Since 2021, the federal government has released several rulemakings and guidance memoranda that instruct agencies to use IK where available and where it conforms with Information Quality guidelines. The Office of Management and Budget requires that products characterized as Influential Scientific Information (ISI) or Highly Influential Scientific Assessments (HISA), are consistent with standards of peer review and reproducibility. The OSTP-CEQ guidance memorandum issued from the White House explicitly notes that IK is appropriate for inclusion, even under the highest of information quality regulatory regimes, provided that the information is presented in a manner consistent with the OSTP-CEQ guidance.

The Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida (Miccosukee Tribe) has developed and published a process for Indigenous Knowledge verification, which tracks the OSTP-CEQ guidance and additional information quality standards to ensure that all IK statements produced by the Miccosukee Tribe are information that must be considered on parity with Western Knowledge, or be subject to review under the Administrative Procedures Act for arbitrary and capricious exclusion of valid and relevant information. However, not all Tribes can be expected to conform to the same intensive process utilized by the Miccosukee, and the administration’s guidance places the burden for compliance with information quality standards on the federal actor, not the Tribe.