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Science Reports

Invasive Species


The Task Force, recognizing the serious threats to the Everglades posed by invasive exotic plants and animals, has established an Invasive Species Strategic Action Framework (Framework). The Framework was developed by an extensive and diverse set of partners including members of the Task Force, Working Group, Science Coordination Group, and the Everglades Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (ECISMA). The Framework delineates shared goals, objectives, and strategies for successfully combating invasive species. Associated documents may be found in the archives and include a series of case studies, an interagency snapshot budget, a progress report, and current priorities. In addition, the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 directed the Task Force to develop a list of priority invasive species and recommendations to protect the South Florida Ecosystem. Those work products will be posted here as they are developed.

System-Wide Ecological Indicators for Everglades Restoration Report


The South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force has established a suite of 11 system-wide ecological indicators to assess current ecosystem health and provide a means to track system-wide ecosystem response to restoration. The system-wide ecological indicators were chosen for their collective ability to comprehensively reflect ecosystem response to restoration in terms of space and time. This report contains detailed assessments and a “Stoplight Report” for each indicator in addition to a description of the hydrologic conditions during the reporting period.

System Status Report


The System Status Report (SSR) is produced by RECOVER, the multi-disciplinary team of scientists and technical experts that supports and guides implementation of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). The SSR reports on the ecosystem’s condition by analyzing ecological indicators and performance measures. The SSR is produced every 5 years, in advance of the CERP Report to Congress.



Developed in parallel with the SSR, the Everglades Report Card reviews overall ecosystem health and conditions. In addition to the report available here, an interactive website provides access to further details:
