Overview — Everglades Restoration Initiatives
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 The South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force

About Us

In recognition of the magnitude of the Everglades restoration effort and the critical importance of partnerships with federal, state, Tribal, and local governments, the intergovernmental South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force (Task Force) was established by Congress in 1996. The Task Force brings together all the agencies involved in restoring and protecting America’s Everglades. The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1996 delineates the role and responsibilities of the Task Force. WRDA 2020 added specific duties regarding invasive exotic species and WRDA 2022 expanded the Task Force membership to include one additional State of Florida representative.

Our Mission: Restore America’s Everglades


Historically, water flowed slowly from the Kissimmee River to Florida Bay across the South Florida Ecosystem’s extremely flat landscape forming what became known as the "River of Grass." This natural functioning system began to be altered over a century ago in attempts to make the ecosystem more hospitable to agriculture and development. The efforts to drain the Everglades led to many unintended consequences that negatively impacted the health of the ecosystem and the water resources supporting South Florida’s residents. The intergovernmtental Task Force and its members are working together to restore America’s Everglades.

Roles and Responsibilities

The role of the Task Force is to facilitate the coordination of the myriad conservation, restoration, and scientific/research efforts being planned and implemented in the South Florida Ecosystem. The Task Force and its subgroups provide a forum for the participating agencies to share information about their restoration projects, resolve conflicts, and report on progress. The Task Force is also responsible for a suite of Congressionally-required reports.


Task Force: The Task Force consists of 14 members from four sovereign entities. There are seven federal, two Tribal, and five state and local government representatives at the senior leadership level.

Working Group: The Working Group assists the Task Force in its coordination efforts. Members include senior managers of Task Force agencies and additional government restoration partners.

Science Coordination Group (SCG): The SCG supports the Task Force in its efforts to coordinate the scientific aspects of restoration. To enhance the integration of science and management, the SCG includes both senior managers and scientists appointed by the Task Force.

Sub-groups/Teams: Advisory bodies, including regional or issue-based teams, can be established as needed.

Stakeholders: Stakeholder input is integral to restoration planning and implementation. Task Force meetings and stakeholder workshops provide vital and innovative opportunities for public input.

Strategic Restoration Goals

The Task Force has established three strategic goals for Everglades restoration:

  1. Get the Water Right

  2. Restore, Preserve & Protect Natural Habitats and Species

  3. Foster Compatibility of the Built and Natural Systems

Task Force Members

The Task Force consists of 15 members from 4 sovereign entities. Additional agencies are represented on the Task Force’s Working Group, Science Coordination Group, and designated advisory bodies. Current membership rosters may be found on each team’s homepage or through the Contact Us link below.