OERI May 5, 2020 IES Framework Docs Invasive Exotic Species Framework Documents OERI May 5, 2020 IES Framework Docs
OERI October 2, 2014 IES Meeting October 2, 2014 Invasive Exotic Species Meeting OERI October 2, 2014 IES Meeting Handouts and Presentations:AgendaPresentation
OERI August 27, 2014 IES Meeting August 27, 2014 Invasive Exotic Species Meeting OERI August 27, 2014 IES Meeting Handouts and Presentations:AgendaStrategic Action Framework PresentationStrategic Action FrameworkAction WorksheetsCISMA UpdateIES Prioritization MatrixPython SDM Overview
OERI June 19, 2014 IES Meeting June 19, 2014 Invasive Exotic Species Meeting OERI June 19, 2014 IES Meeting Handouts and Presentations:AgendaStrategic Action Framework PresentationNISC 2012 Crosscut Budget SummaryNile CrocodileAction Worksheets
OERI April 9, 2014 IES Meeting April 9, 2014 Invasive Exotic Species Meeting OERI April 9, 2014 IES Meeting Handouts and Presentations:AgendaStrategic Action FrameworkStrategic Action Framework WorksheetMonitoring Invasive Exotic Plant SpeciesStrategic Biennial IES Subgoal 2 and 3 ProjectsSubgoal 2B and Objectives TableSubgoal 3D Objectives Table
OERI March 4, 2014 IES Meeting March 4, 2014 Invasive Exotic Species Meeting OERI March 4, 2014 IES Meeting Handouts and Presentations:AgendaStrategic Action Framework PresentationStrategic Action FrameworkUpdated Strategy Biennial ExoticsExotics at Loxahatchee
OERI February 4, 2014 IES Meeting February 4, 2014 Invasive Exotic Species Meeting OERI February 4, 2014 IES Meeting Handouts and Presentations:AgendaStrategic Action Framework PresentationStrategic Action Framework HandoutNational Invasive Species Council Briefing